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The EATC Commander visits DART 2024

On 15 May 2024, Major General Franck Mollard, EATC Commander, and Brigadier General Frank Best, EATC Chief of Staff, visited the Disabled Aircraft Recovery Training at Jever Airbase, Germany.

They were warmly welcomed by Colonel Helge Gerken, Commander of the German Air Force Regiment “Friesland”. General Mollard stated that “this was the first time I visited the Disabled Aircraft Recovery Training. I thank Colonel Gerken for hosting DART 2024. I also congratulate your team for its support to EATC and for making DART 2024 a success for all our nations.”

General Mollard visited the four training areas where they received an elaborate inside into the aims, challenges and procedures to be trained by the DART 2024 participants.

The Commander EATC was in particular interested in the feedback from the trainees and their takeaways from this multinational training. He concluded his visit highlighting that “I am impressed about what I saw today, about the exceptional opportunity to train multinationally together and about how you learn from each other. Thanks to you, we enhance interoperability and eventually reduce the logistical footprint by pooling and sharing needed aircraft recovery equipment.”

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The EATC Commander visits DART 2024

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