EATC’s core structure includes three pillars: the operational pillar, the functional pillar and the policy & support pillar. All divisions are closely interacting and working hand in hand, thereby increasing effectiveness and efficiency within EATC.

The consolidation of the operational and functional domain into EATC’s structure is a main multiplier for our organisation.

Organisational structure

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Operational Division
plans, tasks and controls air missions on behalf of the member nations both in peacetime and in times of crises.


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Functional Division
acts as a key enabler to promote common values and shared concepts and fosters the harmonisation of doctrines, regulations and procedures among nations.



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Policy & Support Division
liaises with external actors and supports the activities of EATC headquarters.




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The Operational Division

The Operational Division manages all processes related to the execution of EATC air mobility missions. All processes aim to meet the member nations’ needs.

The EATC runs a daily average of 60 missions throughout the world. Thanks to an integrated staff, the Operational Division handles the full process from planning and tasking to controlling of the fleet both in peacetime and in times of crisis.

The Operational Division is structured in five branches. The branches are dealing with specific aspects of the air mobility mission cycle: planning, tasking, controlling and reporting on missions, including providing intelligence information. The aeromedical evacuation control centre is providing a full set of expertise and procedures to perform strategic aeromedical evacuation.

The mission generation branch plans and prepares the worldwide air transport and air-to-air refuelling missions. It chooses the asset which best fits the requirements of the mission at hand, thus strives to fulfil the national request as efficiently as possible. In parallel, the intelligence branch monitors, analyses and disseminates information with regard to areas of interest or strategic relevant domains. The branch also delivers threat assessment to the mission control, thus playing a crucial role in a successful mission execution.
At the end of the process, the mission generation branch hands over the approved mission to the mission controlling branch. This centre works on 24/7 duty. It monitors all flight activities under the responsibility of the EATC, pro-actively manages unplanned circumstances impacting the schedule, as well as provides quality service and cost-effective plans in the interest of the member nations' requirements.

The division is supported by the M.E.A.T. branch and by the intelligence branch. M.E.A.T. (Management of European Air Transport) is a unique command & control software at the heart of EATC’s air mobility process. It is regularly re-tailored to the national needs. An evolutionary step will be introduced with “MEAT New Generation” leading EATC into the future..

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The Functional Division

The main objective of the Functional Division is to enhance harmonisation and interoperability between EATC’s member nations. Benefits include optimised utilisation of available assets and efficiency in the planning and execution of air mobility.

Effective and efficient air transport missions in a multinational environment coalesce with sharing concepts, doctrines and procedures among nations. 

The Functional Division is structured in three different branches: Employment, Training & Exercises, and Technical & Logistics. These three branches are strongly interrelated, generating a unique pool of expertise. It is paramount to them to take into account the different national regulations and to work in close and interdependent coordination with the Operational Division as well as national partners.

Through this steady concurrence of the actors, the three branches develop concepts, procedures and common standards in the domains of employment, logistics and training & exercise for air transport, airdrops and air-to-air refuelling.
The Employment and Technical & Logistics branches translate the operational results into concepts, procedures, common standards and innovative opportunities regarding the utilisation of assets, logistics, airlift, airdrops, air-to-air refuelling, ground maintenance and much more. The output is laid down in documents such as the EATC Operations Manual, the EATC ground operations manual (EGOM), the cross-para booklet, the yearly fleet review or concepts for A400M cross-exchange of technicians.
If you are interested in EATC’s documentation, please click here.

The Training & Exercises branch translates these achievements into multinational training events, such as European Air-to-Air Refuelling Training (EART), Disabled Aircraft Recovery Training (DART) or Combined Air Terminal Operations (CATO) courses, Combined Air Terminal Training (CATT) and Advanced Combined Air Terminal Training (ACATT). The branch also supports the European Tactical Airlift Programme (ETAP).

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The Policy & Support Division

The Policy and Support Division is structured in various branches, each supporting the activities and proceedings of the command group and the two main divisions: political-military aspects, legal domain, communication and information systems, quality management, or analysis, administrative and financial support.

The Policy and Legal affairs branch plays a leading role coordinating with the member nations and third parties. This is of utmost importance, as EATC draws on strong cooperation with other European stakeholders in the air mobility domain. The branch also develops long and medium term strategies, common policy and legal frameworks.
The EATC CIS experts support the set-up of the EATC IT and prepare it to the requirements of this new decade.

The Analysis and Reporting branch offers mission analysis and statistics to the member nations to facilitate the identification and monitoring of critical indicators. It is also responsible for the ATARES accountancy of exchanged flying hours and services between the EATC member nations.

The Quality Management branch oversees and coordinates all activities and processes in EATC, whereas the administrative and financial support is managed through the General Support branch. The latter is also the liaison to the host nation and Eindhoven airbase.

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