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Indo-Pacific activities: EART 2024

It is about to happen again: another edition of EATC’s multinational European Air Refuelling Training is taking place from 08 to 17 July 2024! This year, EART sees once again important premieres.

For the first time, EART 2024 takes place outside of Europe, at the US Airforce Elmendorf Airbase in Alaska. It complements Arctic Defender 24, a German-US led fighter exercise conducted from Eielson Air Force Base in northern Alaska and part of the Indo-Pacific activities of four EATC nations.

The Commander EATC, Major-General Mollard, is “looking forward to this premiere edition in Alaska with five tankers from France, the MMU* and Canada. It has been a challenge for my team to organise the training more than 7.000 km away from our headquarters in Eindhoven. They did an excellent job, also thanks to the great support from our host, the US Air Force.”

“The experience of working together with NATO partners, such as the USA and Canada, is of utmost importance when it comes to operations in times of a crisis”, concludes General Mollard.

Stay tuned on our X account @EATC_ to hear and see more about EART 2024 in the coming weeks!


*Multinational MRTT Unit (MMU)

Indo-Pacific activities: EART 2024

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