Video of EATT 2014 at Plovdiv air base.
EATT is the most important European air transport training exercise supported by the EATC and its participating nations with the utlimate goals to achieve greater interoperability and strengthen multinational cooperation.
EATT 2014 gathered at Plovdiv air base, Bulgaria, more than 450 participants, 19 crews and 10 transport aircraft (of 5 different types) from 10 different countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czeck Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Spain and Norway.
Observers from Austria, Finland, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, UK, and USA also joined this year’s edition.
Watch the video of Exercise EATT 2014 at Plovdiv airbase here

EATT 2014 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
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