The aim of this platform is to better prepare participants from the EATF* member nations to the different training events, to share the tactical knowledge and to have access to the most recent harmonized tactics techniques and procedures. It was used for the first time for the European Air Transport Training this June in Portugal.
This year, the EATS took place in Florence (Italy) from 5th to 7th October 2016. It was the 7th edition and was hosted by the Italian Ministry of Defence. 50 participants coming from the EATF member nations, JAPCC** and EATC attended the symposium, chaired by the European Defense Agency. The aim of the EATS is to exchange information on operational and training issues, to identify aircrew requirements and to enhance the air transport interoperability between the airlift operators.
*European Air Transport Fleet
** Joint Air Power Competence Centre
If you would like to read more on the EATC E-learning platform please follow the link:
- EATT 2016 goes E-learning (2)
- EATC goes E-learning (1)

EATC presents its E-learning platform at EATS
Click on the picture to enlarge