Seven nations - One command
Worldwide 24/7 operations

EATC offers full support in the aftermath of the devastating explosion in Beirut.

Within 24 hours following the massive disaster in Beirut of 04 August 2020, EATC tasked and operated the first mission of a French A330 MRTT aircraft to Beirut international airport. This mission was followed by further daily urgent humanitarian relief missions on behalf of France, Italy, Belgium and Spain. On board of the A330 MRTT (French), A400M (French and Spanish), C130J (Italian) and C130 (Belgian): much needed assistance such as trained humanitarian relief experts and equipment, urgent medical supplies and medicine or food and water.

EATC offered responsive reaction and immediate enhanced support to deploy the emergency assistance provided to Lebanon by its member nations.

Pictures and video have been kindly provided by the EATC nations. 

EATC offers full support in the aftermath of the devastating explosion in Beirut.

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