Since it was founded in 2010, EATC has been raising the level interoperability in the air mobility domain through harmonisation of procedures/doctrines and through joint multinational training. Today, interoperability is also a key element for EATC to coordinate the smooth transition into successful entry-into-service of common fleets like the A400M, C-130J and A330 MRTT. To note that procuring the same airframe does not necessarily mean that you can trouble-free exchange air/ground-crews or equipment and spare parts, nor necessarily operate under the same regulations and procedures. 

At EATC, all divisions are closely interacting in order to foster interoperability. Together, in 2018, we offered highly professional multinational trainings, completed studies and finalized key documents for the benefit of our member nations.

2018 was an important year for the EATC Ground Operations Manual (EGOM) and for the EATC’s Operations Manual. Read all about it now!

Get ready for the EATC Ground Operations Manual! 

In 2018, EATC took the EGOM into its fourth and final compliance phase. This is the ultimate stage of implementing and maintaining an effective “Compliance Management System”. EATC completed this final phase by developing a checklist : the  EGOM implementation, compliance & evaluation! The document is all about improving upon what we are doing. It takes any corrective and preventative action that is deemed necessary throughout the aircraft, cargo and passenger handling process.

Thus, in 2018, EATC decided to share its EGOM with the whole air mobility community. This document is a milestone for cross-loading activities and multinational operations. To support the implementation of the manual, EATC organises multi-annual “EGOM games”. These are 2-day courses offering training to national ground handlers on how to implement the manual. In 2018 and 2019, EATC organized a total of 24 “games” in all the national units, thus ensuring that ground operations activities are conducted safely efficiently and based on common procedures.

"I think I have a good expertise on Operational Risk Management and the respective chapter in EATC’s operations manual is definitely one of the best pieces produced on the subject. I read it to educate myself."

 Brigadier General Francesco Agresti
Deputy Commander EATC

In 2018, EATC implemented the chapters regarding the “operational risk management” and the “theatre operations”. This is a core document for our nations to standardise and harmonise operations of the entire EATC fleet worldwide. Moreover EATC released a revision of the chapter describing general and basic rules for air transport and air-to-air refuelling operations. Click here to get an overview of the EATC operations manual.

With this progress we make in developing this highly important and outstanding Operations Manual, we are once again proving that EATC is a recognised centre of expertise in air mobility.

The A400M challenge! 

Interoperability is key for the successful ramp up and multinational operation of the A400M fleet. EATC took up the challenge and took the lead to ensure the future common and effective use of the aircraft. 

In 2018, EATC studied more in depth how to cross-exchange A400M technicians in a multinational environment. The aim was to elaborate a manual describing prerequisites and processes for cross-exchange of technician activities. In order to assess the complexity of the issue thoroughly, EATC organised live test events between the French and German A400M maintenance squadrons. The outcome of the live test was successful and EATC will shortly submit the final version of the manual to the A400M user nations. In due time, the manual can be easily exported to other fleets, such as the binational French-German C130J fleet.


Getting trained! 

Since 2012, EATC conducts training and exercises to increase interoperability among the seven member nations, but also with other partner nations. Through these unique events, common EATC standards and procedures are promoted across Europe. 

In 2018, EATC has finalized the manual regarding the “Provision of Aircraft Recovery Capability” within our member nations, as well as the “EATC Aircraft Recovery Aide-Mémoire”. These documents are already the reference material for EATC member nations in case of a real operation. They are also already in use in aircraft recovery trainings. To note here that the EATC led “Multinational Aircraft Recovery Training” (MART) changed its name into DART or “Disabled Aircraft Recovery Training”.

EATC will continue its cooperative effort to organise trainings and courses in the future. Only through the gained interoperability and common procedures will our nations be more efficient in operations. A main focus in future will be the development of the European Air Refuelling Training (EART). The need to train the crews, engineers, planners and taskers increase with the growing number of air-to-air refuelling assets in our member nations. EATC will produce a training syllabi to support the procedures and standardize regulations. We will also develop the EART as a plug in solution for different exercises, increase flexibility and eventually…interoperability.